
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

孟母三迁 (Mèngmǔ sān qiān) Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education

Nǐ érzi Tāngmǔ xuéxí hànyǔ duō jiǔ le?
A: 你 儿子 汤姆 学习 汉语 多 久 了?
How long has your son Tom learned Chinese?

Hái bú dào yìnián.
B: 还 不 到 一年。
Less than one year.

Zhēn liǎobùqǐ, tā de hànyǔ shuǐpíng búcuò ne!
A: 真 了不起,他 的 汉语 水平 不错 呢。
Marvelous! His Chinese level is very high now.

儿子 (érzi): n son

Wǒ érzi sìsuì jiù kāishǐ xuéxí hànyǔ le.
我 儿子四岁 就 开始 学习 汉语 了。
My son started to learn Chinese when he was four years old.

生词 (shēngcí) vocabulary:
游戏 (yóuxì): n game
淘气 (táoqì): adj naughty

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