
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Chinese Tongue Twister (Beginner)

采蘑菇 (Cǎi mógu) Pick Mushrooms

Key Learning Point (Preview):
蘑菇 (mógu): n mushroom

Hēitù hé báitù,
黑兔 和 白兔,  
The black rabbit and the white rabbit,

Shàngshān cǎi mógu.
上山 采 蘑菇。  
Climbed up the mountain to pick mushrooms.

Xiǎohóu hé xiǎolù,
小猴 和 小鹿,  
Little monkey and little deer,

Yìqǐ lái bāngzhù.
一起 来 帮助。  
Come and help them.

Hóu hé tù,
猴 和 兔,  
Monkey and rabbit,

Tù hé lù,
兔 和 鹿,  
Rabbit and deer,

Gāogāoxìngxìng cǎi mógu.
高高兴兴 采 蘑菇。  
Pick mushrooms happily together.

Key Learning Point:
蘑菇 (mógu): n mushroom  

A: Wǒ xiǎng yào yìwǎn mógu tāng.
我 想 要 一碗 蘑菇 汤。  
I would like a bowl of mushroom soup.

B: Hǎode, qǐng shāoděng.
好的, 请 稍等。  
OK, wait a moment please.

生词 (shēngcí): Vocabulary  
兔 (tù): n rabbit  
猴 (hóu): n monkey
鹿 (lù): n deer
帮助 (bāngzhù): v/ n help  

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